6 Tips to Overcome Gym Anxiety (GYMTIMIDATION)

Hi, it’s Sophia, your LFF Community Manager!

Do you feel nervous just thinking about stepping into a gym? Not sure where to start? GYMTIMIDATION is real! We’ve all been there. How can you overcome it?

Here are some tips to help with your gymtimidiation!

Familiarise yourself with the gym

If you’re heading to a gym where you’ve never gone to before, familiarise yourself with your new setting. Take a tour of it prior to signing up! Is this the right gym for you? What equipment do they have? What amenities do they have?

Get to know your workout plan before heading to the gym

What machines do you need for the workout? Do you need any other accessories?

You’re going into the gym with a plan and you know what exercises you need to head to once you’re there. Have a plan!

For example, first, you’re going to start off at the leg press machine, then the smith machine, and finally the cable machine.

Have a good playlist

Having a good workout playlist can calm your nerves. Be prepared and have a good playlist to listen to!

Go with a friend

Encourage your family or friends to go to the gym with you! The more, the merrier. You can look toward your family and friends to support and encourage you on your journey.

Start small

Take the first day at your new gym to start on the treadmill. Familiarise yourself with the setting, the machines, the facilities…scope out the place. Then the next time you’re at the gym, you’re ready to dive into your first workout there!

Have positive thinking

Shift your mindset! Instead of thinking, “I can’t survive my workout!”…try thinking "I’m trying something new and I got this!”

Final thoughts…

We’ve all been there! If you can overcome this obstacle to work towards your goal, the results will speak for itself! The hardest part is first stepping into the gym. So by already going through the door, you’ve overcome the first big hurdle!


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