Signs Of A Weight Loss Plateau

Have you ever felt like you’re giving it your all in your weight loss journey, only to hit a point where your progress takes a halt? I certainly have!

Not only is it frustrating, but you're also left confused on what actions you need to take to get back on track. When we get to this point of feeling frustrated and confused, we result in losing belief in ourselves, giving up, and then, we end up back to where we started. It’s a never-ending cycle, and you’re not alone! Hitting a plateau is a common experience for many of us women trying to lose weight. 

When you first start your weight loss journey, there is always that initial excitement and motivation to keep moving forward. You stay on track with your workouts, you're mindful about your food choices, and next thing you know, the numbers on the scale start to decrease. It feels great and you strive to keep on going.

But then, inevitably, you hit a plateau. Your scale weight is maintaining or increasing, and then you start to question everything - your diet, your training, and if you’re doing the right things. The frustration sets in, and you may feel like giving up. Does this resonate with you?

But before we give up, let's take a deep breath and remember that hitting a plateau isn’t a sign of failure, it’s a sign of progress! It could mean that your body has adapted to your current routine, and it’s time to re-evaluate your journey.

Here are some strategies to help you break through hitting a plateau and get you on track to your goals:

  1. Re-evaluate your habits

  2. Increase daily movement

  3. Switch up your training program

  4. Focus on your wins

  5. Manage or reduce stress

  6. Stay consistent

  7. Check in with yourself

  8. Consider seeking guidance

Re-evaluate Your Habits

Take a closer look at your daily habits. Are there any areas where you can make improvements or changes? Are there any habits that might be taking you further awa from your goals? This is the time to identify them, and start working on new habits that might serve you better. When building a habit, it is important we start small to avoid feeling overwhelmed (i.e. walking for 10 minutes every morning). 

Some examples of this could be building a healthy morning and night routine, planning out your following day to set yourself up for success, implementing structured workouts and daily movement… there are many healthy habits that can lead you to your goals!

Increase Daily Movement

Are you giving your body enough opportunities to move throughout the day?

We know that low intensity movement is a great way to expend energy and create a larger deficit. If you’ve hit a wall with your progress, you might need to bump up your steps. A good starting point is 8,000-10,000 daily steps, which you can either work up towards, or look to improve depending on your starting point.

Switch Up Your Training Program

If you’re seeing no change in your numbers after a few weeks, it might be time to mix things up. While consistency is important, changing your workouts can challenge your body in new ways and prevent plateaus. At LFF, we amend our clients training plans anywhere from 7-10 weeks, depending on how they are progressing. Your #1 goal with training is to get stronger over time, so if you’ve hit a wall, it’s time for change.

Focus On Your Wins

We hear you - its frustrating when you hit a wall, but a negative mindset won’t help you in this instance. Celebrate the progress you've already made, no matter how small. Remember how far you've come and use that as motivation to keep going. This will drive you in an entirely different way!

Manage Or Reduce Stress

Stress can setback your weight loss journey. You can be doing absolutely everything right with nutrition and training, but if your body is under stress, it won’t respond. This is the time to finding a stress management strategy that works for you, such as meditation, yoga, or walking outside.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is key! Even when you're feeling discouraged, stick to your healthy habits and trust the process. We see so many women give up too soon, when all it takes is a few small changes and they can start making progress again.

Check In With Yourself

If you aren’t checking in with yourself, it’s impossible to improve. Ask yourself, what went well today? Where can I improve? What did I learn? How can I show up better tomorrow? By asking these questions, I can guarantee you’ll see improvements over time.

Consider Seeking Guidance

If you’re still struggling with fat loss, consider hiring a coach. It was the best investment that I ever made! Hiring a coach will remove the guesswork, and give you exact answers you need to finally start seeing results.

Final Thoughts…

If you're feeling frustrated by a plateau in your weight loss journey, know that you’re not alone. Don't give up! Keep pushing forward, stay focused on your goals, and remember how far you've already come.

Plateaus are temporary setbacks, and like anything in life, you can overcome them. I've experienced many myself, and I promise you right now, it's possible to break through and achieve your goals!

At LFF, many of our clients have faced plateaus in the past, but with our support and reassessment of their plans, they can continue towards their goals without feeling discouraged. We provide the support and accountability our clients need to keep them moving forward towards their dream physique and lifestyle.

So if you find yourself hitting a plateau - don’t give up, re-evaluate your plan, and keep pushing towards your goals!


Less Is More: Why Training 3x Per Week Is More Effective