How To Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle in 2024

Why Morning Walks Should Be Part Of Your Routine

Cheyenne here . . . I am one of the Coaches here at Lifestyle Fitness Formula and I wanted to touch on a habit that has quite literally changed my life.

If you’re in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, I'll share some tips and benefits of making morning walks a dedicated part of your daily routine. This is one key habit that can transform your morning and overall well-being.

Most of these topics were inspired from the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. I highly recommend it.

Lets get to it.

  1. Start Small & Keep It Simple

  2. Habit Stacking

  3. The Benefits of Morning Walks

  4. Overcoming Challenges


Start Small and Keep It Simple

To adopt good habits, it's crucial to begin with small, manageable steps. As mentioned in Atomic Habits, “tiny changes create remarkable results”. Initially, I committed to walking for just 5-10 minutes each morning. This simple routine gradually evolved into a habit that significantly impacted my mornings and overall health.


Habit Stacking

I employed the technique of habit stacking by integrating my walks into an existing routine. After my morning routine, I took the dog for a short walk consistently. Over weeks, this repetition set the habit, enabling me to gradually extend both my waking time and walking distance.


The Benefits of Morning Walks

Morning walks, even as short as 15 minutes, offer a range of benefits:

Natural Energy Boost

Walking in the morning is a great way to kickstart your metabolism, enhance blood circulation, improve concentration, and boost productivity.

Enhanced Mood and Reduced Stress

Morning walks have been found to impact your mental health. The fresh air and physical activity trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin (natural mood enhancers), which reduces stress, anxiety, and prevents depression.

Improved Sleep

Regular morning walks can regulate your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Exposure to natural sunlight early in the day helps set your body’s internal clock, promoting better sleep patterns. 

Heart Health

Walks can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, enhancing blood circulation, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Weight Management

Walking helps increase your metabolism, burn calories, and can manage weight effectively. If your goal is to drop body fat, walking will become your best friend!

Improved Immune Function

Regular moderate exercise, like walking, can boost your immune system, helping you fight off illnesses and infections.

Joint Health

Walking is a low-impact exercise that supports joint health and can be a great option for those with joint issues or arthritis. Ever heard the term, “motion is lotion?”

Cognitive Benefits

Morning walks stimulate brain function, enhancing creativity and improving overall cognitive performance.


Overcoming Challenges

Despite the numerous benefits, challenges such as weather conditions, boredom, lack of motivation, and time constraints can arise. Here are some strategies to overcome them:

Weather Conditions

Embrace the elements by dressing appropriately, I like to say, “rain or shine, I still stride.” There are those days when the weather seems less inviting, but a simple solution is to equip yourself with the appropriate gear— a raincoat, umbrella, water resistant boots, or warm clothing.


Keep things interesting by listening to podcasts, energetic playlists, or audiobooks, or walk with a friend/companion. I have found that switching up my walking routine by listening to engaging content, like podcasts, keeps me motivated and entertained.

Lack of Motivation

Focus on the positive feeling after the walk as motivation to overcome the initial hesitancy. It is normal to face a lack of motivation, especially when waking up early. However, the feeling of refreshment and accomplishment post-walk can be a powerful motivator to push through.

Time Constraints

Opt for a shorter walk on busy days – even 10 minutes can make a difference. Balancing a hectic schedule can be challenging, but a brief walk is better than no walk at all. On days when my to-do list is overwhelming, I prioritize a shorter walk to rejuvenate myself and prepare for the day.

Final Thoughts. . .

Prioritising my health through the consistent practice of morning walks has been the best decision. While no one is perfect, the key is to build and maintain an effective routine. As we step into the new year, let’s start small, create better habits, and embrace the satisfaction that comes with implementing a morning walk into our daily lives. Here's to a healthier and happier 2024!


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