Creating a Habit that Sticks

“Success is the produce of good daily habits. Not once in a lifetime transformations.”

—James Clear

Making a change is really hard. Whenever we try something new, it’s always a real struggle to keep going.

Until you form a habit, you have to push through this time until you find your rhythm.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t get there. The early alarms, busy gyms, a various diet you’re trying just doesn’t appeal - because it’s new and different for you. To make a behavioural change, you have to be uncomfortable, you have to push outside your comfort zone and give yourself time for your body to adapt.

Making a habit stick

  • Start small.

    Break down your end goal into small, achievable tasks and plan out how you’ll change to achieve them.

  • It’s going to be tough.

    Realise that its going to be hard at times and ditch the excuses - some tough love goes a long way!

  • Set yourself up for success.

    Take time aside to think about how you can incorporate your new habit. If you’re planning on going to the gym in the morning, put out your clothes the night before and set multiple alarms to make the process easier.

  • Learn to fail.

    Allow yourself to fail, and fail again. We’re all human and we all make mistakes. Learn from them and use this to help you succeed in the future.

To make successful change, it won’t be down to the diet you followed for 4 weeks and gave up, its down to a change in your habits - to make your health, training and nutrition second nature.

Set yourself up for success not failure.

Lucy x


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