How to handle Silly Season in 2024.

Christmas… the most wonderful time of the year?

I’m a big believer in enjoying yourself over this time, but it doesn’t mean you should forget about all the great habits you’ve built over the past few months. Being mindful can go a long way during this period - trust me!

Tips to help you ENJOY yourself but not go overboard.

  • Treat yourself.

    Yep you heard right. I want you to RELAX and recover after a very hard year. Allow yourself to have a few more treats than you normally would and definitely do not feel guilty about it!

  • Be mindful with your choices.

    Christmas and New Year is absolutely a time to enjoy yourself, but it doesn’t mean you have to go crazy for 1 month straight. If you are planning a big night out, make sensible choices with the rest of your meals. Make sure that you’re still including highly nutritious foods in your diet, and continue to drink lots of water.

  • Ditch the diet.

    I’d highly recommend to take a break from dieting over this period. Being present with friends and family is so much more important than counting your calories during this time. If you’re someone who loves to track all year round - totally fine! Set your maintenance calories and stick to them. Remember, the aim for ‘maintenance’ is for your weight to stay the same, so a little variation here and there is fine.

  • Alcohol.

    I love a wine, and Silly Season is certainly no exception. Just be aware of how much you’re drinking and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Alcohol like any other food contains calories, so if you’re drinking on multiple days of the week, have a think about whether you can make smarter choices in terms of drinks. Can you limit high calorie cocktails and swap for a lower calorie gin and soda? It all comes back to being sensible with your choices.

  • Stay active.

    Some of us might not be able to see our friends and family, but we can certainly stay active and get our bodies moving! Get yourself out for a walk and use this time to connect with others. If your gyms are closed, home workouts are a great option to keep your fitness levels up over this period. There are also the mental benefits of staying active which we can’t forget about, to help reset your mind and come back feeling more refreshed.

  • Sleep and lots of it!

    Aim for a minimum of 7.5 hours sleep per night - and if more, great! Any lower than this can affect our hormone levels and in turn, our hunger and energy. Even one bad night of sleep can leave you feeling exhausted and unmotivated. This usually means you’ll be more likely to reach for higher calorie foods and less likely to get yourself out and exercise - which we definitely don’t want.

Hopefully these quick and easy tips and tricks help you over the Holiday period. The most important thing is to connect with our loved ones (in one way or another) and enjoy the break.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love, Lucy


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